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Art Exhibitions & Lectures | Biblical Art by Iris Wexler


Art Exhibitions & Lectures | Biblical Art
by Iris Wexler


2023 -  2023 "Brothers in the Bible" exhibition in Osnago, Italy in honor of the Day of Brotherhood proclaimed by the Pope
2016-2019 – Be’er Sheva Mayor’s Office, Menachem Begin Square, Tel.08-6463666
2016 – Compiègne, France, Solo Exhibition, Twin Towns
2016 – Ramat Gan, Israel – Bar Ilan University
2014 – Germany
2013 – Haifa, Israel – Artists House, Solo Exhibition
2013 – Jerusalem, Israel, Cinema tech, Solo Exhibition
2012 – Miami, Florida, USA, Solo Exhibition
2011 – Cesarea, Israel, Malor Center, Solo Exhibition
2009 – Zefad, Israel ,Solo Exhibition
2007 – Tel Aviv, Israel, Group Exhibition
2007 – Ramat Aviv, Israel, Group Exhibition

Dear Dr Iris,

the G. Lazzati Cultural Center, non-profit association, of Osnago in the province of Lecco (Italy), every year produces and sets up an exhibition on specific themes, sometimes also suggested by our illustrious fellow citizen Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, and by our parish priest don Alessandro.

In  recent years we have set up the exhibitions: "Ancient Lombard works", "The Holy Family in art", "The path of Peter", in 2014 from an article by Cardinal Ravasi "The Bible and the science of numbers, salvation in a figure", in the year of Expo 2015: "Not of bread alone", from Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Sì: "...and behold, it was a very good thing...", from Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: " Amoris Laetitia”, from the Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem of Saint John Paul II: “Feminine genius, women of the people of God in the Gospel”, and last year “Fathers and Sons, a real vocation”. Unfortunately due to Covid, we were unable to organize the exhibition in 2020. In 2021, again due to the continuation of the pandemic, we proposed the "Masters and Witnesses" exhibition in online virtual mode. In 2022, from a reflection by Pope Francis, the exhibition “Cultivating and Preserving, Preserving Creation, Cultivating Humanity”.

These exhibitions have the particularity of presenting high definition reproductions on panels, works by various artists, accompanied by reflections on the theme.

This year the exhibition we are going to present will have the title: "Under the same sky", from a video message from Pope Francis for the second World Day of Human Fraternity celebrated at the Dubai Expo. This exhibition includes the reproduction of 9 paintings, and among these we would like to include the reproduction of his work: "The Daughters of Zelofcad", which we have seen on his website.

Our Cultural Center receives no funding and has no sponsors, and to produce the initiatives everything is self-financed. Currently for our project, "Under the same sky" we have received from his Eminence Cardinal Ravasi the patronage of the Pontifical Council for Culture, the patronage of the Lombardy Region and the Province of Lecco, for this we are asking you for the possibility of have the file in high definition, and the rights to be able to reproduce your work "The daughters of Zelofcad" on the panel.

The exhibition, which is regional in nature, will be open from 13 to 21 May 2023, will last ten days and will have free admission.

We are sure that our request will find your support and we remain at your disposal for any clarifications.


Sincerely for the G. Lazzati Cultural Center of Osnago (Lc)

      Anthony Bassano

מאוניברסיטת אוקספורד

ISMAIL, Salma <>


Tue, Nov 20, 9:46 PM (4 hours ago)

to me


Dear Miss Wexler,

My name is Salma Ismaiel, an editorial  assistant at Oxford University Press located in New York City. We are a not for profit university press currently producing a book in which the original image we wish to use on the cover comes from your gallery (“Daughters of Zelophehad - attached to this note).




Here is a brief description of the book: The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law provides a state of the art analysis of the major questions, principles, and texts pertinent to biblical law. The thirty-three chapters, written by an international team of experts, deal with the concepts, significant texts, institutions, and procedures of biblical law; the intersection of law with religion, socio-economic circumstances, and politics; and the reinterpretation of biblical law in the emerging Jewish and Christian communities. The volume is intended to introduce non-specialists to the field as well as to stimulate new thinking among scholars working in biblical law.




This is a hardback academic book being sold at the price of $150.00. We are printing 750 copies for our first print run, and will also be having e-book (UPDF, EPUB, Oxford Scholarly Online) editions of the book. I was hoping to acquire non-exclusive rights to use on a high resolution image on the cover of the book, and I would be more than happy to set up a gratis payment for you. Please do let me know if you need any additional information.



Salma Ismaiel | Editorial Assistant | Religion & Bibles

Oxford University Press | 198 Madison Ave | New York, NY 10016

(212)-726-6087 |


Hello Iris Wexler,

I am currently in a high school class: “Bible and Related Literature”, doing a project involving biblical art and its analysis. I saw your work and would love to include it in my project however there is little information on you as an artist and your works personal significance to you. Would you be interested in an interview or conversation about your art and yourself. 


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this message,

Casey Flueckiger 

Age 17, Grade 11

Amherst Regional High School (MA)

Cell: (413)-588-1497

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